The Process

Details of the Funding Business Process

Burnden Square (BS) offer a variety of funding options across multiple business sectors;

Level of Funding Required

The minimum funding requirement would normally exceed £5m although some of our funding partners will consider packaged applications where you will be part of a joint application in the same business sector.

Funding drawdown

Funding will typically be based on a five year projection with the funding drawdown clearly identified based on specified milestones.

Funding Timescales

The timescale from initial contact with BS through to the initial funding drawdown, will be circa three months.  

Funding Process

1. Contact & initial discussion either via conference call, or face to face.

2. NDA signed by both parties.

3. Initial due diligence conducted by BS.  

4. Proposed changes to business planning model agreed.

5. Fee Agreement signed by both parties. 

6. ‘Teaser’ & Term Sheet to be completed by client.  BS can assist in this process if required, however a charge made be made.

7. BS issue documentation to most relevant funding partner(s).

8. BS's legal partner, or the client's legal partner, manage all legal aspects of the transaction on behalf of the client.

9. BS work with client and funding partner through to completion.

10. Funds issued to client as defined in the drawdown schedule.

Fees Due to BS

Any fees due to BS will be clearly defined within the Fee Agreement.

In the event that the client requires assistance with formulating the teaser and/or term sheet, any initial fees due to BS are capped at £6k and reflect the time and effort required to position the business for funding.

In the event of a successful debt raise, fees due to BS will not exceed 2%.

Additional fees may become due to other parties during the engagement process with a funding provider and at successful debt raise. These will be clearly defined and may vary by funding provider.

All fees incurred by the client are recovered as part of a successful debt raise.